We are three people that are passionate and highly committed to addressing mental health in the City of London who connected because we share the same vision and values of collaboration, creativity and openness. We each have our own experiences, networks and story to tell, for more about our story click here.

William Nicholson

The Dragon Café, previously Ernst and Young and Deloitte.

Will is an ACA qualified Chartered Accountant who worked for 10 years at Ernst &Young and Deloitte at a senior managerial level. Will’s main passion is facilitating, connecting and cross boundary working to create partnerships that improve health and wellbeing.

Will works closely with a number of groups including The Dragon Café, Health Foundry – part of Guy’s and Thomas’ Charity – and a variety of collaborations in the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark. He has previous experience within the social enterprise sector as CEO of Bridges Self-Management and managed two post-merger integrations at The Princes Trust.

Will supports his own wellbeing through squash, yoga, Dad’s football and as a volunteer runner at Goodgym.

Stacy Thomson

Minds@Work and Impact Coaching, mental health crisis practitioner.

Stacy has specialised within the Mental Health sector for 15 years. Having originally qualified as a mental health nurse, Stacy soon realised that the role she could fulfill was of a more holistic nature and so she achieved her ambition to set up her consultancy Impact Coaching to support corporate professionals three years ago. Her passion is to help organisations and individuals think differently about how they think, behave and act so they can perform at their very best and push past the barriers which hold them back.

Stacy also sits on the leadership team for Minds@Work.

Stacy supports her own wellbeing through mindfulness, taking time out to binge on Netflix (and not feel guilty!) and hanging out with her friends and family.

Julia Hillman

Second Mile Consulting, previously Head of Authorisation function at Bank of England, PRA, FSA and SFA

Julia worked in the City for 17 years as a Senior Manager at the Bank of England, FSA and PRA. Her main passion is to help others, be they individuals, organisations or teams to thrive. Since leaving the Bank of England in May, Julia has set up a Consultancy, ‘Second Mile’, allowing her to do just that.

Whilst at the Bank, Julia helped to establish the Bank’s Wellbeing Network whose initiative is “Think well, Live Well Be Well” and she was a member of the Bank Mental Health Network.

Julia supports her wellbeing through watching Nordic Noir TV (subtitles help me to focus on the one thing), singing (mainly Lucky Voice or the car) and putting her trainers on to walk between meetings.

Read more about our story and how we met

Founding Collaborators

Thrive London
Business In The Community
City Mental Health Alliance
Business Healthy
Dragon Cafe
Mental Health First Aid